Recognizing When Done Is Good Enough
I love this excerpt from Melinda Emerson’s (#smallbizlady) recent article Are You Ready To Finish The Year With A Bang?. In it she discusses many things that were spot on when it comes to getting the most bang out of your business over these last few months of the year. But it’s this quote that really resonated with me because I find myself working through this issue with 99% of my clients. Maybe you too? 🙂
Done is Good Enough. Your small business brand will evolve over time. Don’t be one of these people who have not released your new website or newsletter because you are still messing with your logo or layout. No one cares about your logo but you, and you can always revise it later. Just get it out there. Get feedback, and adjust your branded as needed. You are supposed to cringe at the original art work years later.
If I had waited until things were perfect to start my first business (Girlshrink), I wouldn’t have been totally fulfilled as a woman and mother, because I would have never gotten the website off the ground. Back then I didn’t even know what I wanted or needed to make the site “perfect”. In fact, not to long ago I stumbled across some “hater” who was talking about my advice column. He said it was on the ugliest website he’s ever seen and he can’t believe that people pay me for my advice:)
Well I’ve gotten the last laugh. I have helped more people with their relationship problems over those first six years online then he probably ever has. And yes I did get paid for much of it. And yes my website left something to be desired — but it didn’t matter. My message and my experience resonated with my clients — and so will yours.
So while even today I am still guilty of the desire for all things to be in place before I move on to step two or step three, etc. — I catch myself. I recognize the insanity of it and I move on. Done is way better than waiting on perfection. Done leads to income!