Increase Your Writing Productivity: Get Into The “Write” Mindset
At this time of the year I like to focus on what I call getting into my “write mindset” so that I produce more high quality content that servers my tribe. To do this, I typically first take a look back at what I’ve written and published on my websites, what’s in the draft folder, and what I’d like to write for the new year. Writing this down helps me organize and decide what writing will be on tap for the new year. I do this for every website I own and write content for. Pardon me while I get a little transparent with you today:)
On LisaAngelettieBlog, I’ve written and published over 105 articles during 2012, I have 3 articles in the draft folder (which have been there for months!), and I’d like to publish 156 of my own articles along with 52 guest post submissions for a total of 208 articles in 2013.
I’d also like to make sure that one of those articles per week is a video article so that I can start maximizing YouTube for more visibility and traffic back to my site. Who knows, maybe if I find my sweet spot I may create more video articles than text ones (yeah right!).
I also have a goal of writing and submitting two to three of my own guest posts per month. I typically spend a little longer on researching and/or writing these articles, so two or three a month is a realistic number for me.
I’m also still dying to get that podcast started that I’ve been talking about since forever! I would really like to launch the first episode in January. Thank you Pat Flynn for the inspiration.
I will also be focusing a lot on the Amazon income stream of my business. I’ve seen a lot of growth there and I think it’s only going to get better as tablets and readers become more accessible to buyers. Tablets have gone down considerably in price this year, so the forecast is that ebook sales will continue to rise. That’s only good news for folks like us. A great creative passive income stream for any business owner is to take existing content and publish those articles on the Kindle marketplace. I’ll be covering this topic a lot more on this site in the new year.
My experience on Amazon so far has been really favorable with publishing non-fiction, but I plan to also jump into the waters of fiction in 2013 as well. Writing fiction has been a lifelong dream of mine that I created a million excuses for not doing for many, many years. My fear of writing fiction was so crippling that I am going to document my entire process from start to finish just so that I hope it inspires some other writers out there to do the same. I am in the process of building that blog now, so I’ll let you know when it’s live. The digital revolution has made it so easy for us to get out there as entrepreneurs, authors, publishers in a really big way. I say NO EXCUSES in 2013 everyone! Me included.
Now I want YOU to get into a the creative write mindset for 2013 as well. In fact, I’ve gathered a few writing productivity resources from this site that I think may help you in areas where you may be struggling:
How To Write What People Will Read
How Entrepreneurs Can Quickly Beat Writers Block
#1 Secret For Writing Productivity
So what are your writing/content goals for the new year?
It may be a good idea to share them with the rest of us so that you’ve put it out in the universe and so that we can hold each other accountable. I’d love to hear what you have planned, no matter how lofty your goals may be:)
Lisa Angelettie
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Therese Prentice - Holistic Lifestyle Practitioner says
Wow I have to digest all of this and see what I want to produce for 2013. I love the idea of doing more with Amazon and Podcast so I know for sure they will be on my 2013 plan. As always a great food for thought and a wonderful learning experience!
Lisa Angelettie says
It’s time to put your content plans in action Therese! Let’s keep each other accountable as usual:)
Deb Lamb says
Thank you, Lisa, for the motivational nudge. I’d love to create an ebook to offer my subscribers, but I have no idea what the topic should be. When I think I might have a good idea, then it appears that everyone has the same idea. I feel as though I’m in a constant round and round struggle with it. How do you know what specific topic or idea to create an ebook around? Thanks for the motivation and inspiration today. Make it an awesome day!
Deb 🙂
Lisa Angelettie says
Hi Deb,
First of all you have a beautiful site. Second, it’s important that you recognize the difference between writing something that no one has offered before and writing something that your ideal clients want to read. For example (and this is not Deb’s niche!), how many times have you heard or seen an article on credit repair? I mean good golly. It’s been done and redone a million times, but you know why? Because there are a ton of people that want to fix their credit and they are hoping that what you have to say will be just what they need to fix it. It doesn’t matter that they’ve read 10 other articles on the same topic. Something special about how YOU say it will speak to a certain group of readers. Same information, different delivery. But I could go on forever in this comment:) You get what I’m saying right?
Deb Lamb says
Hi, Lisa,
Thanks for the compliment on my website. I struggled with that theme for awhile and finally decided to make the change. I’m glad to know when others like it, too. Thanks!
I totally get what you’re saying. And, I never really thought about it like that. What you said, “Something special about how YOU say it will speak to a certain group of memebers”. That hit home with me and will certainly help me in moving forward.
It is easy for me to create eBooks and articles for my clients, but when it comes down to my business, like I said, it seems to be a constant struggle. You have provided some excellent advice I will follow.
Now…off to write. Thanks so much!
Deb 🙂
Linda T. says
I have to agree with you Deb, as we get ready to go into 2013, I would love to present something on the web such as an ebook. As with you I have that same issue with the ideas that I have someone is already using them. The struggle becomes how to present my ideas in a way that sets me apart from the already presented topics already floating around the web. Any ideas from Lisa would be greatly appreciated.
Julia says
105 articles in 2012 for gust post? that’s huge Lisa, what about 2013 are you planning to written and published 205 articles? if you do, that is really massive guest post marketing. I hope your blog generate much traffic.
Lisa Angelettie says
Thanks Julia. I have a lot of writing ahead of me but I love to do it.