Most marketers teach the bare basics of article marketing. That’s because article marketing isn’t the newest bright and shiny marketing gimmick on the market, so most marketers aren’t really going to be bothered with it. They want to talk about the newest thing that they can make an affiliate income off of. So that’s why you probably haven’t heard that the BEST place for your articles to be published is your own website a.k.a. WordPress blog. This is why…
1. The search engines absolutely love blogs, especially WordPress blogs. While I have never truly learned the technical reason why, the bottom line comes down to the fact that the blogs feed the freshest content to the web in a way that the search engine spiders can easily identify as “new”. This means that your content will be crawled and shown in search engine results faster than someone who just posted a page on a regular site. So it should not be a question whether or not you need a blog in your business – you need one. It would be absolutely silly not to create this free treat for the search engine monster:)
2. When you write articles on your own blog you create a direct connection from the reader to your website – no middleman. When you write and submit articles to a directory, the article directory becomes your middleman. The reader searches for information, finds it via a search on the article directory, clicks on the link to the directory, reads the article, and then hopefully clicks on your link(s) in your article to your website or squeeze page. That’s a lot of steps the reader has to take to finally make it to your site. The more optimal scenario would be for someone to search for something, find a link to an article on your site, which of course takes them to your site. Better odds for more traffic, more opt-ins, and more “fans” of your work.
3. Readers can read and subscribe to your blog articles. An RSS feed allows readers to subscribe to your articles via RSS reader or through email. A few article directories offer RSS feeds for individual authors, some only have it for the author’s topic, and many others don’t have RSS feeds at all. If you have your own blog, that people can subscribe to, readers will have consistent and direct access to your articles which only supports what we know statistically about people who invest in your product or service. Prospects need at least 7 exposures to you before they can trust you enough to buy from you. Giving prospects solid content on a regular basis is a great way to support this.
4. Blog articles are easy to write and publish. Out of all the ways there are to publish your own content online or offline, blogging is the easiest. The biggest task is the initial set up of your blog, and after that it’s pretty easy. Get into the backend of your blog, write your article, make a few SEO tweaks like adding post tags or meta tags, and click “publish”.
5. While writing tons of articles and submitting them to the directories can create a surge of traffic to your website, writing tons of articles on your own blog can create something more. A base of people who follow your articles. Who actually look forward to your next article and know where to find it – on your blog. I call it building your article brand and building your reader fan club. Building this community of “fans” is crucial to the long-term success of your business online. These are the people who will buy from you over and over again.
*Bonus Tip
6. Writing articles on your own blog, versus an article directory, allows you to place live links within the article. Links that link to other articles on your blog to create stickiness, links to your own products and services, and affiliate links to products that you are promoting. See how that works!
Lisa Angelettie
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Jijo Sunny says
Hello Lisa,
I enjoyed reading your article. I usually writes this kinda article in my blog, but you a different way of writing. Keep it Up.
While saying about this article, a dull I have found is that you have totally changed the topic to ‘article directory submission’ other than explaining the other marketing techniques.
Keep Blogging
.-= Jijo Sunny´s last blog ..‘This Is iT’ Michael Jackson’s Documentary Film Released =-.
Lisa Angelettie says
Thanks for your comments Jijo:)
Jijo Sunny says
Hello Lisa,
I enjoyed reading your article. I usually writes this kinda article in my blog, but you a different way of writing. Keep it Up.
While saying about this article, a dull I have found is that you have totally changed the topic to ‘article directory submission’ other than explaining the other marketing techniques.
Keep Blogging
.-= Jijo Sunny´s last blog ..‘This Is iT’ Michael Jackson’s Documentary Film Released =-.
Lisa Angelettie says
Thanks for your comments Jijo:)
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Gretchen Grimble says
Hi Lisa –
I just found your blog on a Google search for ‘article marketing techniques.’
First time I ran that search I got 100% Squeeze Pages to the usual – TRY THIS AMAZING – IT’S GUARANTEED TO MAKE YOU MONEY – YOU CAN’T LOSE internet marketing course.
Second time I ran the search I used the following string to only look in blogs:
site:com inurl:blog “article marketing techniques”
And it worked! I found your site.
Thank for providing actual content. I’ve bookmarked your site, and I’ll sign up to receive your emails. I’m looking forward to reviewing all of your content. I may even add your site to my resources link on my site.
Gretchen Grimble
The Zizish Guide
“Exploring and Reviewing Internet Marketing”
Getting Started in Internet Marketing
.-= Gretchen Grimble´s last blog ..How to Start a Review Blog – Zizish Review =-.
Gretchen Grimble says
Hi Lisa –
I just found your blog on a Google search for ‘article marketing techniques.’
First time I ran that search I got 100% Squeeze Pages to the usual – TRY THIS AMAZING – IT’S GUARANTEED TO MAKE YOU MONEY – YOU CAN’T LOSE internet marketing course.
Second time I ran the search I used the following string to only look in blogs:
site:com inurl:blog “article marketing techniques”
And it worked! I found your site.
Thank for providing actual content. I’ve bookmarked your site, and I’ll sign up to receive your emails. I’m looking forward to reviewing all of your content. I may even add your site to my resources link on my site.
Gretchen Grimble
The Zizish Guide
“Exploring and Reviewing Internet Marketing”
Getting Started in Internet Marketing
.-= Gretchen Grimble´s last blog ..How to Start a Review Blog – Zizish Review =-.
Lisa Angelettie says
Thanks so much Gretchen for stopping by, I look forward to visiting your site as well. Much success in 2010!
.-= Lisa Angelettie´s last blog ..3 Keys To Kick-Start Your Article Marketing In 24 Hours! =-.
Lisa Angelettie says
Thanks so much Gretchen for stopping by, I look forward to visiting your site as well. Much success in 2010!
.-= Lisa Angelettie´s last blog ..3 Keys To Kick-Start Your Article Marketing In 24 Hours! =-.
Arizona SEO says
Hi Lisa,
You wrote an interesting article! I hope you can share more of your techniques so that it can add on my Arizona SEO experience and skills. Thanks a lot.
Mark says
Thanks Lisa,
I was looking for someone to second my opinion that favors “your own blog vs directories” and you’re the first one I found. It’s common sense to prioritize your blog but sometimes the reverse waters around can change your direction till you find some support to stablize you in your right path.And I found that on this article of yours.
Thanx so much