This is a really great article on a concept that not many marketers teach – but my friend Jimmy D. Brown teaches is well, and that’s the concept of how to create a “buyers only” list. Warning: This is NOT for the marketing newbie. Enjoy!
How To Create A Buyers Only List
By Guest Author: Jimmy D. Brown,
Content is king. It gets to wear the crown. And sit on the throne. And rule the world. When it comes to establishing credibility, gaining trust and producing sales, content is royalty.
While I would never suggest abandoning the concept of delivering high quality content to your subscribers, there
is another type of list composed of subscribers who couldn’t care less about content.
“What is this type of list?” you ask.
– > The “announcement list”.
I’ve been teaching about the “announcement” list since at least 2002 (on record at an event). And, yet, it’s a
widely untapped asset in most email marketing circles.
The main reason is: nobody’s teaching it. And so, nobody knows anything about it, let alone how to effectively
create one of these lists.
So, we’re going to revisit it.
What Is An “Announcement” List?
DEFINED: An announcement list is a list whose sole purpose is to “announce” (I.E. Inform, notify) when something new is available for review, consumption or purchase.
In other words, it unapologetically says, “Hey, I just released XYZ. Come check it out!”
Now, at first glance you may be thinking, “Who would join a list that offers no content and only sales pitch?”
If you say it that way, it doesn’t sound too good to me either! That’s why you don’t say it that way. Let’s take
a look at HOW to “say it”…
How About An Example “Announcement” List?
If you go to this site
or you’ll find a textbook example of this concept. PLRSO stands for “Private Label Rights Special Offers” I established this list for the sole purpose of informing people anytime I have a new PLR offer available for them to buy.
That’s it.
I don’t send out ezine articles to them. No newsletters. They don’t get blog posts. There aren’t any special reports. No content of any kind. What they get, in essence, are sales messages.
And there are already 2,822 subscribers, many of which have already purchased some of the PLR special offers that have been “announced” to the list.
Why does it work? Let me give you plenty of reasons…
1. I took something that was “in-demand” (PLR) and I allow
people to get a head-start on the world by knowing about
new releases FIRST by joining this list.
2. It’s not billed as an “announcement list”, but rather
a “Free PLR Club”. Big, big difference in perception.
3. It has it’s own domain name, further adding to the
perceived value and importance to those who join.
4. There is no requirement to buy once you join. Buy the
offers that you want, pass on the ones you don’t want.
5. A cost example is provided to show what you can
buy immediately, further illustrating the value of the
complimentary “membership”.
And here’s the big twist that makes this idea of creating an “announcement” list a complete no-brainer…
I allow my affiliates to “give away” no cost memberships to the PLRSO club!
When someone they refer buys one of the offers, they earn a commission. And I get other people to promote and build my list for me. We all win.
So, you may be thinking…
What Kind Of “Announcement” List can I Build?
There are a wide variety of “announcement” lists that you can build. Let’s briefly look at ten of them…
* PLR List. You can swipe my idea and create a list of
private label rights buyers.
* New Offers List. Build a list of people who love your
work and want to be notified any time you have a new
offer available.
* Pre-Launch List. Create buzz and anticipation for an
upcoming new product release by building a pre-launch
list several weeks (even months) in advance.
* Ezine Publishers List. Build a list of publishers who
want to know any time you have a new ezine article
that is available for reprint in their ezines.
* Bloggers List. Another idea is to allow bloggers who
are looking for ready-made content to post to their blogs.
* Industry News List. How about becoming the “go to”
guy or gal to share breaking news about your industry?
* Joint Venture List. Develop a list of partners and
affiliates who are ready to promote anytime you have a
new offer.
* Incentives List. Here’s a great idea – create a list of
people who you offer “incentives” to when they purchase
someone else’s new product through YOUR affiliate link.
* Freebie List. Regularly give away rebrandable content
(reports, articles, videos, etc.) to these subscribers
to earn commissions.
While all ten of these lists aren’t necessarily “buyers” up front, they each can certainly lead to buyers and revenue
for you if you implement them.
Content is king. But let’s not forget that there are a lot of queens, princes, dukes and earls out there too.
Jimmy D. Brown, one of the most respected marketing teachers online, has been fine-tuning what and how he teaches when it comes to Internet Marketing since 1999. Now you can benefit from those years of experience and also get full PLR rights to many of his best-selling products – at ridiculously LOW prices (I’m talking Ten Bucks).
Run, don’t walk to this website –>
Lisa Angelettie
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Frank Lynch says
Quite an article! I am sure it is going to bring the much needed traffic and sales to the site and the product that has been released.notifying the people who follow you and like you is just so very idea , we can send meassages with personal touch than any Auto responder which in turn will be appreciated by them. And the idea of creating Joint venture list and freebie list is just so appealing. we can call it an organised and direct approach towards your target audience!
Frank Lynch says
Quite an article! I am sure it is going to bring the much needed traffic and sales to the site and the product that has been released.notifying the people who follow you and like you is just so very idea , we can send meassages with personal touch than any Auto responder which in turn will be appreciated by them. And the idea of creating Joint venture list and freebie list is just so appealing. we can call it an organised and direct approach towards your target audience!