Non-Fiction sales are rockin’ on Amazon and other retailers but books sales is not where you’re going to make your “longtail” money. It’s all about how you serve your readers AFTER the book. So how do you do this effectively? That’s where the term “back matter” comes in to play.
Back matter is the portion of your book that comes directly after the final chapter of your book and it is absolutely essential to any nonfiction author. This is where you can place a plethora of information that will lead your readers into taking the next step. Here are some examples of information you can place in your back matter so that your reader becomes a life long fan.
1. About the author – Place a short bio here so readers can learn more about you and your credentials.
2. Other books by this author – The reader just finished your book and is craving more from you. Tell them about your other books. If you have a book on preorder, let them know the preorder is available at select retailers (Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble and Kobo).
3. Connect with the Author – The reader loved your book, they think you’re AWESOME, and they want to connect with you. Add your active links for Facebook, Twitter, your blog, your website, and your mailing list. Once a reader connects with you via social media, they can start to get to know you and appreciate your super-awesomeness on an entirely new level. It’s an opportunity for you to start a long term relationship building process that can help casual readers become fans, and help fans grow to become super fans.
4. Sample chapters of other books – Give them excerpts of your other books with an order link at the end.
5. Special Free Gift – Many authors provide a special downloadable free gift at the end of their books for readers. A downloadable action guide, to-do list, or other free book is a great list builder.