Yippee It’s No Cook Fridays!
On Fridays in my house, I don’t cook for the family. We eat take out. Pizza. Sushi. Chinese. Or I let the girls have a “free for all” where they cook whatever they want. That typically ends up being a grilled cheese, turkey burger or Stouffer’s Mac and Cheese. I’ve adopted the same “no cook” principle over here on my site. I typically write for my site, make edits, add SEO tweaks, work with clients, etc. Monday through Thursday. On Fridays I like to rest:)
So this is the thing. Social media sites like Facebook come alive over the weekends. People are off work and can share stuff, comment, like and all that jazz because it’s the weekend. I realize now that I need to probably have some sort of fresh content ready on Fridays for people to read and share over the weekends, but I’m going to be honest, I rather be reading one of my kid’s YA novels:)
Which led me to this bright idea…I’m going to do something that I’ve never done before on this particular site and open up Lisa Angelettie Blog to guest posts. Now I already permit guest posts on some of my other sites, I even developed a plugin that allows bloggers to easily accept guest posts, but I wanted to give this site a chance to really find it’s voice in my niche before I opened it up to other writers.
When your article is published on my site you can expect:
1. For it to be published on a Friday.
2. For me to promote it to my networks via social media throughout the entire weekend.
3. For me to promote it to my list via my weekly newsletter.
4. To receive a nice, juicy backlink from my site.
Now I’m going to be honest and admit that I’m very picky and I will have some standards that I simply will not compromise on. I’m also going to be completely transparent and admit that I probably will give some preference (although no guarantees) to submissions from Articology students and graduates. I will do this because I know that they have acquired a certain level of knowledge on writing for readers while also for the search engines. I’m looking for articles that have that delicate balance.
If you think you’re writing is up to snuff, I’d love to feature you on No Cook Fridays:) Even if you aren’t sure, I encourage you do submit anyway. Submitting guest posts to relevant websites is a great way to increase your site’s traffic and relevancy in Google.
Read The Guest Post Submission Guidelines
Lisa Angelettie
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