Have You Ever Wondered What Is The Best Time To Post To Twitter And Facebook?
I really love social marketing, but like most of you my time is limited, I really need to maximize how much time I spend on social marketing and make sure that I am getting the most bang for time spent online. Especially on my favorite social marketing tools – Twitter and Facebook.
I took a look at some of my friends and associates who use social media as a primary source of communication with prospective clients and customers. So I asked one of my good friends, group coaching mastery expert, Wendy Y Bailey (@WendyYBailey) who seems to really use Twitter smartly and effectively : “Hey WendyY, when are the prime times to send out tweets?”
Wendy roughly estimates that: 7-9:30 am ET or 7-10 pm ET are the prime times to post to twitter. I suppose that makes sense. People are just logging into their computers at work in the am around those times and can check email, Twitter, and Facebook before they get to work. Also, people obviously spend more time on the computer after dinner, so 7 to 10pm makes sense.
I took a look at my website statistics to see what was the “prime time” for visitors on my blog. People were visiting my site most at around 11am EST. My visitor traffic is pretty evenly spread between both the East and West coasts of the US, so I found that time pretty interesting because I would typically post a new article on my blog much earlier at around 6:00 am EST.
So I dug a little deeper. What I found was that there was a correlation between my blog posts and when people started talking about them, sharing them, etc. on social media. In my social networks, people are engaging most with me at around 11am EST. This includes Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Before you can set any of your social media on autopilot and/or carve out chunks of time in your schedule to engage with folks, it’s important that you figure out your sweet spot. I just want you to be comforted in the fact that once you figure that time out, you don’t necessarily need to be online that time everyday. Some of this can be automated with autotweets using a variety of free and premium online Twitter tools. I recommend using Hootsuite or Tweetadder to do this.
The bottom line is that to figure out what time is best for you to post to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn you need to vary the times you post your articles, vary the times you engage in social media, and then watch. When do the two meet? That is your sweet spot.
Does anyone else have suggestions on the best times to tweet? If so, tell us here. We’d love to know!
Make sure to follow me on Twitter: @LisaAngelettie and Facebook and LinkedIn