This article was not on my editorial calendar, but something happened today that moved me to write on this topic. I was on Facebook and I happen to stumble upon a blogger who wrote a cool article about guest posting. I really thought it was good, so I thought I’d follow her and read a little more of her stuff. This blogger’s niche is “traffic”, so she had a link today in her Facebook stream (timeline) on how to increase your Google traffic using a simple strategy.
The link was to a page on her website which then automatically opened to a video. A pretty long video all about her new “traffic course”. The video had no value. It was very much a “long form” video sales page.
That pissed me off…
First, because her post on Facebook was somewhat deceiving. It led me to believe that I was going to learn a little something. At least one small tip. NOT! It felt very old school, slick styled, marketing 101. Social media is not the place for that. I want engagement and value, and then if you want to sell me into your traffic course — fine — but tell me that’s what you’re doing!
Second, the video was long. Too long for someone not even aware that I was going to be “sold” to. I think it was about 14 minutes. I watched it because at this point I was curious.
So here’s my point…
Now I don’t really like or trust this blogger. This is the #1 reason why I won’t buy from her. It’s not that she did anything ridiculously slimy, it’s just that when I make a decision to invest my money with someone, it’s usually someone who has attempted to engage me authentically, has been crystal clear, and has given me value FIRST.
If you are going for the sale from a social media site where the expectation is “engagement”, chances are the main reason why you aren’t making any sales is because the people in your network don’t trust you.