Would you like free publicity in my upcoming new book on electronic publishing a.k.a. ePublishing?
I’ll be talking about everything from the basics to how to make money with article marketing, ezine publishing, blogging and ebook publishing, and I want to give members of my online community the opportunity to ask any question you may have about those topics. If selected, I will answer your question in detail in the book.
If I choose your Q&A, I will also credit you as a contributor by including your name, business name, url or email in the book.
This is a fantastic chance for you to get totally free exposure for your business as it is natural curiosity for readers to want to investigate who the featured contributors are in a book. I know I do it.
I don’t give many free opportunities for exposure, so I’d take advantage of this if I were you:) I have only opened 100 spots for inclusion in the book (although not all of them are guaranteed to make the final edit), and many of those spots have been taken by members on my VIP list.
If you’re interested, please SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION along with your NAME, BUSINESS NAME, URL, or EMAIL. I will let you know closer to publication if your question was selected and to verify your contributor details.